The Role of Simulation-Based Training in Pharmacy Education: Advancements and Outcomes
Simulation-based training has emerged as a cornerstone of modern pharmacy education, offering immersive and realistic learning experiences for students. This review article explores the evolving role of simulation-based training in pharmacy education, discussing its various forms, advancements, outcomes, implications. From patient counseling simulations to virtual compounding labs, simulation-based training has proven to be an effective tool for enhancing clinical decision-making, communication skills, overall competency. Through an in-depth analysis of current literature and studies, this review provides insights into the benefits, challenges, future directions of simulation-based training in
pharmacy education.
How to cite this article:
Sharma K, Singh N, Kumar P. The Role of
Simulation-Based Training in Pharmacy
Education: Advancements and Outcomes. Int J
Adv Res Pharm Edu 2023; 5(1): 15-18.
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